

You can do various cycling-related calculations here. Where more than one number is required (list of sprockets; times hours, minutes, seconds) just enter a list separated by blank space; no commas. The gear calculator is a simple version; for the Real McCoy see Sheldon Brown's rendition, or MachineHead software which you may well prefer to this as it has a wide range of cycling software.


Last updated: 21 Feb 2004


Calculate gears

Ring sizes Sprocket sizes Wheel size English/European style
or you can select your own wheel diameter or circumference, which overrides the selection of wheel size above
    select a speed to get cadences

Get chainwheel/sprocket combinations that produce required gear

Gear Wheel size
or you can select your own wheel diameter or circumference, which overrides the selection of wheel size above

Body Mass Index

Normal weight = 18.5-24.9   Overweight = 25-29.9    Obesity = BMI of 30 or greater

Average speed

 DistanceDistance UnitTimeAverage speed
For the time, one number is assumed to be seconds, 2 as minutes/seconds, 3 as h/m/s