You can invoke ISPF options 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.6 and 3.14 under the CMD heading as shown here using 3.1 as an example.
Cmd Member Text Description Show 3.1 FRED USERID.QUAL2.QUAL3.QUAL4 31 BILL OTHERID.SOME.DATA.OR.OTHERYou can always omit the dot, as shown here on the second line. DDF does not implement 3.5 (reset ISPF stats) or 3.12 (SuperC compare) because both of these are implemented in a different way within DDF(ST prefix command and the CPN/CPO prefix commands, respectively).
Cmd Member Text Description Show 3.3 FRED USERID.QUAL2.QUAL3.QUAL4 to BILL OTHERID.SOME.DATA.OR.OTHERWhen it is shown, the copy from dataset name will have been filled in and you can then select members for copy or move in the normal 3.3 style. When you press enter, the 3.3 copy to screen will be displayed, again with the to dataset name filled in. The member name FRED will be used as a pattern.
Cmd Member Text Description Show FRED USERID.QUAL2.QUAL3.QUAL4 34 2 BILL OTHERID.SOME.DATA.OR.OTHER 34 * BILL OTHERID.SOME.DATA.OR 34 BILL OTHERID.SOME.DATA.OR*The 3.4 (or 34 as shown here - you can always omit the dots) will give a datset list using two qualifiers OTHERID.SOME. If you just specify 34 without a number, the whole line will be used as the qualifier. Note that the member name is ignored in this operation.
34 * OTHERID.SOME.DATA.OR shows OTHERID.SOME.DATA.OR.OTHER and OTHERID.SOME.DATA.ORWHAT 34 OTHERID.SOME.DATA.OR shows only OTHERID.SOME.DATA.OR.OTHERYou can put an * on the end of the line, as illustrated, to get the same effect, in which case the * will remain on the line.
Last updated: 21 Jan 2002