Route 13. Petra

All Groups

Pto Pollensa - Pollensa (via back lane, main bay road, Golf Club, as selected by ride leader)

Group 1

Campanet - Buger - Sa Pobla

Group 2

.Bumps - Sa Pobla

All groups

Sa Pobla (Follow new ring road to the left. At the junction with the Muro road, turn right towards the town, take first left to join Llubi road where turn left. This cuts out the town centre) - Llubi - Sineu Sineu - at Sineu turn left to skirt the town; as the road swings round to the right don't take the first left turn to Petra, continue for another hundred metres then left turn- San Joan (watch out for sharp right/left in the middle of town) - Petra

Take the back way out of Petra, left onto little lane as the main road swings to right, right at T, left just before the main road, long lane to Maria de la Salut - Muro - Sa Pobla - via marshes to Alcudia - Pto Pollensa
